It was a privilege to be invited to speak on behalf of CB Associates at the ITAA's Annual Conference (Reboot, Restart, Now!) at the UNESCO World Heritage city of Évora in Portugal on Friday 15th October 2021.

The conference was given a stylish opening with a warm welcome to the delegates by President of the ITAA, Paul Hackett, followed by a poetic welcome to the charming city of Évora by Vitor Silva, President of the Alentejo Promotion Office and an equally informative welcome by Rita Marques, Secretary of State for Tourism.
The Business Session opened with insightful presentations on the Challenges and Updates in relation to Insurance, PTD, Brexit and Licensing for Travel Agencies delivered by Legal Advisor to the ITAA Anne Dolan and Mark Duggan, Manager of McCarthy Insurance Group. Ricardo Dinis of TAP Air Portugal, official air carrier for the conference, provided us with some invaluable stats on the low carbon emissions the airline prides itself on, relieving the consciences and concerns around the carbon footprints of those of us, like myself, who literally paid a flying visit. I delivered a 50-minute presentation on the three 'R's' in HR specific to the Travel Agency Industry as they Reboot and Restart following the devastating fall out suffered as a result of the Pandemic: Recruitment, Retention and Remote Working.
There was a particular response of interest following the presentation on the clarity it gave around the employer's obligation towards their remote workers and their right to ask questions of their employees relative to their work set up and potential factors contributing to distraction and/or disengagement from work.
President and founder of MCF Consultoria, Carlos Ferreirinha then delivered a zealous presentation on Tourism as a Force of Good, giving the room a firm sense of the history, psychology, and future of the tourism business. Following a buffet-style lunch in the stunning Vila Galé Hotel, President of Leisure and Operations (Frosch) Marc Kazlauskas attended by Remote Video link from the US, along with David Moon, Head of Business Development at The Advatage Travel Partnership, UK, delivered back-to-back presentations on the Trends and Insights from both sides of the Pond. The conference closed with a dynamic collaboration by four final speakers on the hot topic of Sustainability and the Travel Industry and why we need to pay attention now. Secretary-General of BCSD Portugal (João Wengorovious Meneses), Prue Stone, Group Head of Sustainability (Hotelplan, UK), Marta Cabral (CEO of Rota Vicentina Association) and Rob Rankin, Managing Director of Sustainable Travel Ireland each contributed to the much-anticipated closing theme of Sustainability.
It was an honour to share the stage with the 9 other speakers at this monumental and rather poignant reunion of companies sharing the same objective: to Reboot, Restart, now! CB & Associates very much look forward to working again with Travel Agencies and assisting them with any of their HR needs.